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AreaTrix 1.0.4.cpt
AreaTrix 1.04
About AreaTrix…
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Text File
548 lines
About AreaTrix…
AreaTrix is an automatic Echo tender. It allows Tabby-based boards to
process requests from remote boards and points turning on and off Echoes
they receive. Remotes can also get lists of available Echoes. In
addition, AreaTrix allows file forwarding.
AreaTrix is compatible with Host (Second Sight), Mansion and any other
Mac BBS program which uses TabbyNet. It works only on TabbyNet files and
thus is not dependent on various BBS file formats.
It is modeled after an MSDOS program called AreaFix. For the sake of
compatibility, it answers messages addressed to AreaFix.
This document is organized as follows:
Basic Setup Sysop guide to install
From the User’s Point of View Users guide to AreaFix
File Forwarding Users guide to sending files
Keyword Protection Sysop instructions to set up keys
How AreaTrix Works Described for the curious
Miscellany Notes and loose thoughts
Please read this whole document, even if you think you know all about
AreaFix. For those who have run early versions of AreaFix, note that
some file names have changed, as has the way AreaFix works.
Basic Setup
Copy AreaTrix to the same level as TabbyNet. Open AreaTrix while holding
down the mouse button to configure it. Supply the following seven items
of information:
• Default application to launch. This is normally the name of your BBS
program. It is used only when AreaTrix can’t find a valid entry in the
launch.next file.
• Forward Name. This is a “magic” message address name which handles
file forwarding. If you want to limit file forwarding to a few select
users, change the name to something other than “File Forward” and let
your select users know what this name is.
• Message to Sysop. If this is enabled, AreaTrix will send you a message
anytime it makes a change to the Areas.BBS file. If you don’t select
this option, AreaTrix will do its work quietly.
• No password for list. If this is enabled, AreaTrix will send a list of
message sections to any inquirer, with or without a password.
• Write to Tabby Log. If this is enabled, AreaTrix writes a summary of
its session to the Tabby Log.
• Write to File Forward Log. If this is enabled, AreaTrix will maintain
a log of all file forward requests. If enabled, Forward Log, located in
the Tabby folder, date/time stamps every transaction with the name of
the file, the name of the sender and the node number of the recipient.
• Delete Forwarded Files. If this is enabled, AreaTrix will delete files
from the Generic folder after they are forwarded.
Insert AreaTrix in *all* event chains just after TabbyNet Deliver Mail.
Change TabbyNet events with Tabby Maint and use ResEdit to modify
TabbyNet (STR 305) and Tabby Robot (STR# 301).
*** Note that this is different than how earlier versions worked. ***
(TabbyNet will choke if your event lists get too long, so you might want
to abbreviate AreaTrix to Ax -- remember to change the application name
if you do!)
Copy the text file “AreaTrix Help” to your Tabby folder. This is used
for any AreaFix requests which have a ? in the Subject field.
Create passwords for nodes and points. Passwords for AreaTrix can be
created in two ways:
<1> You can use Tabby Maint to set up passwords for any nodes which you
will allow to use AreaTrix. Tabby 2.0 limits these passwords to 6
characters or less in length. If you use Tabby Maint, then the
password file, which is called Password, is operative on all
communications with that other board.
<2> You can use a text editor to create a passwords list. The format for
a password file is identical to the Tabby Password format:
NodeID <tab> Password <return>
NodeID <tab> Password <return>
and so on (no spaces, just tabs separating the NodeID from the
password, and a carriage return after every line).
An actual file looks like this:
107/563 KingEdward
102/823 DaddyGee
7500/3 MrMister
If you want to use passwords longer than 6 characters, set up a text
file as indicated in Technique <2> and save it in the Tabby folder under
the name AreaPass (or you can save a copy of your Password file as
AreaPass, then lengthen the actual passwords). AreaTrix looks for this
file *before* it tries to use the Password file, and uses the contents
of AreaPass in preference to the Tabby Password file.
If you use Tabby Maint to set up passwords for any nodes which you will
allow to use AreaTrix, both you and the other node agree on a password,
and both of you enter the password to use in all communications with the
other node. AreaTrix uses the Tabby Password file to get this information
(unless there is a AreaPass file, as described in the previous
paragraph). If an AreaTrix message is sent by a board without a password,
AreaTrix will notify the board sysop to get a password.
As mentioned earlier, if you get a request discontinuing an Echo from
the source for that Echo (the first listing in the Areas.bbs file), the
request will be ignored. That’s something that should be handled by
humans, not automatons.
AreaTrix has many options, including File Forwarding and keyword
protection for areas, but this is all you *have* to do to get it
From the User’s Point of View
Its operation is quite simple. You create a private NetMail message
addressed to AreaFix at a valid node address. You can type AreaFix any
way you want, as long as you don’t embed spaces or tabs or random
letters in the name -- AreaFix, AreafiX, AREAfix and areafix all work.
Just spell it right. Send this message to an AreaFix-equipped board with
which you share Echoes (it will work with Red Ryder Host, Mansion and
MSDOS). You and the node addressed must agree on a password. Put this
password in the “Subject” field of the message, along with (optionally)
one or two switches:
-L requests a text file listing and documenting Echo areas. This text
file is prepared by the sysop, and offers illuminating descriptions of
mysteries such as COMP.BINARIES.MAC. If the sysop is lazy and hasn’t
written this text file, you’ll get nothing.
-Q requests a list of currently available Echoes. This list includes all
entries in the Tabby Areas.BBS file, except for the UNKNOWN section (not
too much demand for Unidentified Echo Objects). If an Echo is already
received by eight nodes -- Tabby’s maximum -- it will not be shown in
this listing. (You can also get a listing of available Echoes by putting
an asterisk [*] on a single line in the body of the message).
The body of the message consists of names of Echo areas. If a name
appears by itself, AreaFix presumes it’s to be added to your
distribution. If it’s preceded by a minus sign, AreaFix removes it from
your distribution. If you absentmindedly put a plus in front of the
Echo name, no problem -- AreaFix ignores the plus sign and adds the area
Here is the format of a sample message, along with some notes:
Msg #31514 in *Net Private* Created on 07/04/89 at 07:44:51
Via address: 15/31
Subject: MooHaHa -Q -L
The only entry in this message which is critical in terms of caps and
lower case is the password -- it must exactly match the password you and
the addressee agree on. MOOHAHA won’t be recognized. The rest --
switches, area names and the name AreaFix can be any case -- AreaFix
will treat them all as if they were capitalized.
With this message, Erik is requesting a text listing explaining
available Echo sections [-L] and a listing of all active and available
sections [-Q]. In addition, he wants to “turn on” the MACNOV and RRH
Echoes, and “turn off” the SPACE Echo.
AreaFix will send him back three messages. The first one, caused by the
-L switch, lists and explains the Echo sections. The second, caused by
the -Q switch, lists of all Echoes carried by the board. The third
summarizes changes in echo feeds.
If you send a message to AreaFix with a ? by itself in the Subject field
and if the sysop has installed a file called “AreaTrix Help” in the
Tabby folder, you will receive the text of the help file in a return
You do not need to use both, or either of the two Subject switches.
Your password is fine all by itself.
If you request discontinuing an Echo for which you are the source (first
listing in a set of nodes in the Areas.bbs file), the request will be
ignored -- take it up directly with the sysop.
If you want to get a list of Echoes which you are now receiving from a
remote BBS, just request that it add an Echo which you are already
getting. This will leave your status unchanged, but will send you a
message summarizing your current feeds.
AreaTrix is a bit loose in its report format. If you request adding an
Echo which you already receive, AreaFix will dutifully claim to have
added the Echo in its message back to you. In fact, it doesn’t really
change the Areas.bbs distribution if you ask for something you’re
already getting.
I’ve tried to make AreaTrix fairly flexible in terms of reading message
text. If it can’t match a line against an existing section, it ignores
the line. In comparing the lines of the message against entries in the
Areas.BBS and PointGroups files, every message line is stripped of
leading and following spaces and tabs, and leading plus and minus signs.
This gives AreaTrix compatibility with other AreaFix schemes.
File Forwarding
To forward a file, address the message to “File Forward” (or whatever
you’ve set as the default name). Enter your password as the first item
in the Subject field, then type a space, then a “>” character, a space
and the node address (with or without the net address). Sample Subject
lines might look like
MyPassword > 7500/1
- or -
MyPassword > 1
The File Forward function can be used to send files to any address -- it
is not limited to points. If the subject of the message (the address to
which the file is directed) contains no slash, AreaFix prepends your
local net number with a slash. Otherwise it uses the address as entered.
Files to be forwarded should be listed one per line in the body of the
message -- no paths, just the file names. Caps and lower case are not
significant. In forwarding files, AreaTrix will first verify that the
file forwarding request comes from a node with a legit password, then
will try to open each file in the Generic Folder (where files are
automatically sent by TabbyNet) -- if it doesn’t exist, AreaTrix won’t
try to forward it.
AreaTrix sends confirming messages for forwarding requests, noting
whether it was able to set up the file to forward. And AreaTrix deletes
files after they've been sent (it does this by checking whether the file
is still an entry in the SendfilesXXX/YYY.bbs file -- if not, it's
If you’re a sysop and you want to snag a copy of a file that was
sent to the board, just get its name from the Tabby Log and send a
message to File Forward with your point ID in the Subject line and the
name of the file in the body of the message.
The name AreaTrix uses for file forwarding can be reconfigured any time
by holding down the mouse button while launching AreaTrix. It’s set for
a default of “File Forward,” but you can change it to another name to
prevent it from being automatically available to all points.
If you don't want the file to be deleted before the sysop sees it, use
File Forward to send an extra copy to the sysop at either point 0 or
point 1 in addition to the copy you're sending someone else. AreaTrix
will not delete a file if there is *any* pending File Forward request.
Alternatively, you can configure AreaTrix never to delete forwarded
Here is a sample File Forward message:
Msg #31515 in *Net Private* Created on 07/04/89 at 07:45:43
To: File Forward [Private], From: ERIK SELBERG
Via address: 15/31
Subject: MooHaHa > 7500/3
Dungeons Doc
Stuffit 1.51
Keyword Protection
AreaTrix implements a simple but flexible keyword scheme to limit
access to one, some or all areas. Each area you want to protect is
assigned a short key. Each user you want to allow access to that section
is given that key as a component of a longer keyword.
For instance, you might assign the following keys:
Section Key
-------- -----
SMUT Trash
If you want Point 1 to have access to all three sections, give that
point a keyword of PtOKMacBBTrash (you can build the string in any order
-- TrashPtOKMacBB would work as well -- but caps and lower case are
significant). If you don’t want Point 2 to know about the SMUT Echo,
give it a keyword of MacBBPtOK. If Point 3 had a keyword of PtOK, it
would see only SOCALPT. Areas without keywords are available to all.
AreaTrix allows two sources of input for keywords to give the sysop a
maximum amount of flexibility. If you’re willing to set up and maintain
an “AreaUserKeys” file, your callers need never know the syntax for
entering a keyword in a message. If you don’t want to be bothered, you
can send those who poll you private mail with the keywords for the
sections they’re interested in. If you don’t set up any of these files,
AreaTrix will work as it always has.
If you’ve set up a file in your Tabby folder called “AreaUserKeys”
AreaTrix uses it to determine the caller’s keyword; if that file doesn’t
exist or it doesn’t have an entry for the caller, the caller can enter
the phrase
Key: PtOKMacBBTrash
as the first line of the AreaTrix message to establish access to
protected areas.
Here are the details of how to set this up:
AreaTrix looks for a text file called “AreaKeys” in your Tabby folder
with keywords for each section. Format for the file is
AreaName <tab> Keyword <cr>
with as many entries as you wish. A keyword can be as short as one
letter or as long as a line of text. I would suggest that you keep them
fairly short. Caps and lower case are significant. You can use any
printable character you want except for spaces and tabs (I don’t know if
Tabby or Fido would freak out with Mac Option-key characters, but
AreaTrix shouldn’t mind).
If you don’t assign a keyword to a section, it can be listed or modified
by anyone. If it has a keyword, the caller must match the keyword to
list or alter it. If there is no AreaKeys file, all file sections can be
changed and listed.
The caller’s keyword can come from two places. If you have a file in
your Tabby folder called “AreaUserKeys” with the caller’s address and a
keyword, this keyword will be used for the session. Format of the file
NodeID <tab> Keyword <cr>
with as many entries as you wish. The NodeID should be an address with a
slash, as in 102/823 or 7500/2. If you do not have such a file, the
caller can enter a keyword as the first line of the message in this
Key: <space> Keyword <cr>
If the caller enters a keyword in the message and you also have a
keyword for the caller in the AreaUserKeys file, the AreaUserKeys
keyword takes precedence. This allows you to override someone who may be
creating a problem.
The keyword scheme works like this. Let us say that your AreaKeys file
looks like:
HOTSEX <tab> X-Rated
REPTILES <tab> Snakes
POINTS <tab> ^
... and this is your AreaUserKeys file:
102/113 <tab> X-RatedSnakes
102/114 <tab> Snakes^
102/115 <tab> Gleep
This is equivalent to, for instance, 102/113 entering on the first line
of a message
Key: X-RatedSnakes
With this setup, AreaTrix will let 102/113 list or change all areas
except for points. 102/114 can list or change all areas except for
HOTSEX. 102/115 can list or change all areas except for HOTSEX, REPTILES
If you go nuts with this, you can create a requirement for long keywords
from callers, which is why I recommend that you keep them fairly short.
You can also play around with keywords contained in other keywords (for
instance: Mellow is the keyword for KITARO and MarshMellow is the
keyword for NEWAGE; users with the keyword MarshMellow could alter and
list either section, while those with just Mellow could only mess with
KITARO) and other interesting combinations.
Incidentally, AreaTrix is quite sophisticated in limiting access. If you
have an AreaTrix.List file which AreaTrix shows with an -L request,
AreaTrix will skip lines beginning with an area name for which the
caller does not have a password.
How AreaTrix Works
AreaTrix scans the Generic Import file, looking for net private messages
addressed to AreaFix, AreaTrix or your File Forward name. If it finds
such a message, it appends it to a file called AreaTrix.req, located at
the same level as AreaTrix, and marks it for deletion in the Generic
Import file so it won’t be processed further.
When it is finished with its scan, it tries to open the AreaTrix.req
file. If it's empty, AreaTrix launches the next event. Otherwise...
AreaTrix reads the AreaTrix file a message at a time, marking each
message for deletion when it’s been read. It uses the address line
(AreaFix or the File Forward name) to determine its behavior, checks the
password and the flags and parses the body of the message.
AreaTrix will expand PointGroups listings as necessary to accommodate
requests. When a point requests a feed from an area which already has
eight slots filled, AreaTrix creates a new area line. The maximum number
of area lines it can handle is 255 -- multiply that by eight feeds per
area to get the maximum capacity of AreaTrix: 2,040 feeds.
If a request for a new area feed comes from a point, AreaTrix will feed
the point from the PointGroups file if the requested area is processed
as group mail. If the requested area is not processed as group mail,
AreaTrix will try to handle the request from the Areas.BBS file. It will
also use Areas.BBS if the request originates from a source not within
the local point network.
AreaTrix determines whether an area can be fed to points as group mail
by checking to see whether you’ve assigned a message area to an address
of nnn/0. If not, AreaTrix will try to handle any requests for that area
from the Areas.bbs file.
AreaTrix maintains an AreaTrix Workfile in the Tabby Folder. This tracks
file forward requests and is used to delete files after they've been
AreaTrix answers messages directed to *either* AreaFix or AreaTrix. If
a message uses the -L switch, AreaTrix will try to answer it as before
from a text file called AreaTrix.List. If this file is not found,
AreaTrix will try to use a file called AreaFix.List.
If you’ve enabled the Messages to Sysop option, AreaTrix appends sysop
messages to the Generic Import file. Messages to users are appended to
the Generic Export file.
When AreaTrix is finished processing the AreaTrix.req file, it sorts the
Areas.bbs and PointGroups files by section numbers -- this makes the
files easier to read, especially PointGroups, which can grow messy over
time. Duplicated entries are eliminated and “0/x” point feeds in the
Areas.bbs file are placed as the last entry. It saves the old files as
backups and writes new versions of Areas.bbs and PointGroups.
It then deletes the AreaTrix.Req file and launches the next event.
Points running Copernicus 1.0d1 should use AreaFix only if the areas
they receive have no PointGroup routing status (defined as an entry in
the Areas.BBS file with a zero, a slash and the section number).
Copernicus 1.0d1 is not compatible with Tabby 2.2 PointGroups, but
AreaTrix handles point requests via PointGroups whenever possible.
Copernicus 1.0 is fully compatible with PointGroups.
AreaTrix determines whether or not a request comes from a point by
reading the Point Net file in the Tabby folder. If AreaTrix spots the
Point Net ID followed by a slash in the From field of a request, it
assumes this is to be handled as a point request if possible.
If you want to be a good, industrious sysop, create a text file called
AreaTrix.List in your Tabby folder. In it, describe the Echo areas on
your board. This is the information which will be sent when someone uses
the -L option in AreaTrix. If you don’t have such a file, no list will be
If you change the areas.bbs or pointgroups files with a text editor
instead of using Tabby Maint *** be careful ***. The format for an entry
in these files is as follows (NNN is a section number):
NNN <tab> AREANAME <tab> Feed1 <sp> Feed2 <sp> Feed3 <cr>
If there are no feeds from an area, the line looks like this:
NNN <tab> AREANAME <tab> <cr>
If you forget that second tab, AreaTrix will ignore the line. Versions
prior to 1.04 choked on lines which omitted the second tab, leading to
corrupt areas.bbs and pointgroups files. Play safe -- use Tabby Maint to
change these files. If you *must* use a text editor, check the changed
file with Tabby Maint to make sure it’s in the proper format. (And to
really play it safe, keep backups of your areas.bbs files and
pointgroups files in a safe place in case AreaTrix or some other
well-intentioned program which modifies these files goes berserk.)
Here is a summary of AreaTrix-related text files, all of which live in
the Tabby folder:
AreaTrix.list <optional> defines echo sections, sent for -L switch
AreaKeys <optional> keys for areas
AreaPass <optional> passwords for nodes
areas.bbs Tabby nodes file, maintained with backup
AreaTrix Help <optional> help file for AreaTrix
AreaTrix WorkFile maintained by AreaTrix
AreaUserKeys <optional> keys for users
Forward Log <optional> transcript of file forwarding activity
PointGroups Tabby points file, maintained with backup
Version History
1.0 3/29/90 First version released.
1.01 4/16/90 Fixed problem installing AreaTrix -- it froze when it
couldn’t find the AreaTrix Workfile.
1.02 4/23/90 Added configuration option to not delete forwarded
1.03 4/29/90 Changed code so feed is deleted only if '-' is first
character in line (previous versions deleted feed if
'-' was anywhere in line, leading to problems with area
names containing '-').
1.04 5/10/90 Fixed bug which caused AreaTrix to trash areas.bbs and
pointgroups files if sysop forgot to put a tab after
an area name in the file (possible only with a text
editor). AreaTrix now purges files of such bad lines.
The latest version of AreaTrix can be obtained in two ways:
1> Send me a blank disk and a self-addressed stamped envelope and I'll
send you a copy of the newest AreaTrix.
2> File request "AreaTrix" from either 102/823 or 107/563 with a password
of "NewNew". In addition to that password, you'll need to use the
password "TrixKit" to unstuff the file. (Note -- the quotes on the
passwords are not part of the passwords.)
-- Pete Johnson
Glassell Park BBS
Post Office Box 65074
Los Angeles, CA 90065
May 10, 1990